Just this week……

Larry Ferlazzo shared the link to this series of posts about blogging over twitter.

Sean Nash caught my request for examples of Ning in the classroom and sent this link and this link my way.

Steve Shann shared his examples as well, and he connected me to James Miscavish who directed to me to this ning and this one.

Dean Groom direct-messaged me, pointing out that Ning tends to work best with large groups of kids, and that the trickier part might be helping adults use it. I’m noticing this in my own experience, as the kids who participate in the WNY Young Writers’ Studio dove in quickly and tend to be leading the rest of us!

Jennifer stayed up until the wee-hours of the morning providing peer-review and coaching on data displays for me.

And Theresa is blogging again!

Everything that I do is enriched by the wisdom and the experience that others have. It’s like this for everyone. The happiest and most effective teachers that I know are also the most connected teachers I know. Not all of them are connected online incidentally (yet!), but all of them are closely connected to communities of educators outside of their buildings and districts. These networks provide them needed support and they also provide them perspective and information that they can bring back to their local colleagues. As I wrap up this year and reflect on where I came from and where I’m hoping to head next, I’m finding myself feeling incredibly grateful for all of the people who empower me and sustain me and connect me to those they learn much from. Thanks for a great year, everyone! Happy summer Western New Yorkers!


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