I had such a great time tonight. A while back, I was invited to keynote a regional forum of the New York State Middle School Association. I chose to speak about something I feel really passionate about–theĀ  possibilities created when our classrooms become communities— and ever since, I’ve been excited and terrified in equal measure. That’s quite a huge topic for the small chunk of time I was provided, after all. And anyway, what would I say??? The fact is, I have ever so much more to learn about facilitating communities. Also? It is State Assessment time. And in case you haven’t heard, half of the educators in Western New York are being laid off this spring.

I was concerned that perhaps my topic would not go over so well.

The good news is, I was wrong.

The better news is, I met some phenomenal teachers tonight.

And the best news is, I got to see some old friends and dear colleagues who I’ve missed very much. That made my entire month.

We all sat around dreaming up what schools would be like if they were true learning communities.

And then we started planning our next steps.

Ever notice how when the work is meaningful, a keynote just doesn’t do it justice?

Ever notice how the web allows a keynote to grow into something more?

I’m wondering….maybe it’s not about length or the type of learning session we facilitate. Maybe it’s about what happens before and after and in-between our face-to-face meetings.

It’s about the potential to make and sustain new connections.

A handful of supplemental resources are right here, for those who might be interested.


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