
Hacking the Writing Workshop


Thanks to the immediacy of the web, learners of all ages and experience levels have access to audiences that print-only spaces have previously denied them. Digital publishing dominates all industries, and today’s learners need an entirely different skill set in order to be influential there. This creates new opportunities and challenges for every teacher and the learners they support. It’s not enough to master today’s content or design solutions for today’s problems. Learners must be…

This morning, I’m thrilled to announce that my new book, Hacking the Writing Workshop: Redesign with Making in Mind, is now available. I’ve also asked my publisher, Mark Barnes, to offer it at a discount to those who subscribe to my blog and participate in my Facebook group. We aren’t announcing this widely, but until the eBook is complete and we’re ready for our official launch, the book is only $9.95 on Amazon. It will…