


Whenever I recommend Twitter to teacher-friends or colleagues, the first thing I’m often asked is what educators tweet about in 140 characters or less. When I started using Twitter almost a year ago, I wondered the same thing. So I started paying attention and then eventually,  I began capturing my observations along the way. Here’s how I notice educators making great use of this powerful tool: 1. Identifying and Retweeting Favorite Links and Resources: Many of the…

Twitter launched in 2006. It’s a free service that invites users to connect to one another by sharing quick updates about what they are doing throughout the day. Updates are visible to other users who follow you, and their updates are visible to you if you choose to follow them. All users have the ability to protect their updates, block followers, and manage their own network. Like any other social networking tool, Twitter’s value is established by those…

Twitter is quickly becoming my favorite social networking tool. I follow a wide variety of educators there, and much of what I share with teachers in schools comes from this constantly growing community that gathers there throughout the day to share resources, ask questions, and point out interesting paths to follow while navigating this very wide web we engage with. In recent weeks, I’ve invited the teachers that I work with to follow me there,…