HAPPY NEW YEAR WESTERN NEW YORK EDUCATORS! This week, I’ll be sharing a series of posts relevant to standards based grading. Over the last three years, I’ve learned and worked beside several district and building leaders as they’ve laid the foundation for this shift, and although the process has varied from one system to the next, these educators share one common understanding: they know that standards based grading cultivates far healthier practices and perspectives about learning and growth than traditional grading ever will. The change in practice is significant though, so our steps have been slow and carefully orchestrated. I was tasked with conceptualizing a new reporting system, creating a strategic plan for shifting assessment and documentation procedures at the K-6 level, and the replacement of the report card with a standards based report that could stand the test of time. I’ve also facilitated district-wide conversations with teachers and building administrators, acquainting them with new practices and helping them harness and leverage the power that standards based grading provides. I was asked to share what I’ve learned along the way for those who are just beginning, so I’ll be posting some reflections each day this week. In the mean time, I thought I’d share some of my favorite resources.
I use Shelfari to archive many of the professional books I’ve read or plan to read. You can view my Best of Standards Based Grading shelf here. This is where my learning began, and I’m wondering what others would add to this shelf. Have a recommendation? Please share.
I use diigo to bookmark valued links. You’ll find many of the articles that informed my work here.
I’ve learned a great deal from a small handful of educators who were courageous and generous enough to share their experiences, expertise, and resources on their own blogs. I know from experience that it’s hard to tell who is reading our posts when and if our words even matter, so I need to extend my deep appreciation to each of these brilliant people (listed in no particular order). Please visit:
- Frank Nochese at Action-Reaction
- Jason Buell at Always Formative
- Matt Townsley at MeTA Musings
- Shawn Cornally at Think, Thank, Thunk
- Dan Mayer at dy/dan
- Ellena Bethea at TEACHING/chemistry
- Kelly O’Shea at Physics! Blog!
You’ll find some helpful videos bookmarked here. One of the districts I’m working with plans to feature the one below at parent open house this fall.
Finally, I recommend jumping into the Standards Based Grading Twitter chat that is held on Wednesday evenings. Shy? It’s okay to lurk until you are comfortable. You can follow the hashtag here.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of resources. This is merely where I began, and I know I’ll be adding to these archives as I learn more. If you’ve landed on this page and you have ideas to share or resources to recommend, please drop me a line in the comments. This has been incredibly rewarding work, and I’m eager to connect with those who are invested in similar initiatives!