There are so many implications for educators who work at all levels of the system here. Hatch inspired me as much as he pushed my thinking. Great weekend read! Some of my highlights:
“We must make, create, and express ourselves to feelw hole. There is something unique about making physical things. These things are like little pieces of us and seem to embody portions of our soul.” p.1
“You must have access to the right tools for the project at hand.” p. 2
“A makerspace is a center or workspace where like-minded people get together to make.” p. 13
“The best attribute of a well-run makerspace is the sharing of skills and knowledge.” p.17
“It typically takes three iterations, or more, to get to a working first article.” p. 36
“In our environment, rapid iteration (failure) is merely a means to an end, not an end in itself.” p. 46
“True knowledge is born through experience. You have to physically bore into the details of something to fully understand it. Hands-on discovery and exploration are required to innovate. Mastery is required, time is needed…” p. 72
“We were born to make. If you were to enter a kindergarten class in your local school and ask the kids, ‘Who likes to make things?’ every child would raise his or her hand. Everyone has ideas, though most stop fantasizing about them by the time they hit middle school….” p. 144
“Here’s the thing: you must learn to learn.” p. 146
“We must develop our skills at creating, developing, and nurturing things and services that others value. The age of being a cog in a big machine and marching one’s way to a defined benefit plan retirement is over.” p. 145
“The gift doesn’t have to be designed or made from scratch in order to be emotionally significant to either the giver or the receiver. Simply modifying or having input into a design can make the design yours.” p. 189
“The entire educational system in the United States is outdated–built for a world that no longer exists, in a world that is continuing to change very rapidly. We have an incredible opportunity–and responsibility–to explore what education means in a fully networked, Internet-enabled, and maker-space-fueled world. Creating innovators and technology entrepreneurs should be one of education’s top priorities.” p. 202
“What do you want to make? And be ready to develop into a new version of you, because answering that question could change your life or even the world.” p. 204