Ten years ago, I founded a wonderful little writing studio in my very own community. Every week, and for weeks at a time in the summer, I’ve worked with kids and teachers from all walks of life there. Our space has evolved in response to their ever-changing interests and needs, but one thing has always remained the same:
Our studio is a place where we make writing.
We’ve been fortunate to write in many different kinds of spaces over the years. Each move taught me something different about how to build the best environment for our learning and work together. I’ve discovered that there are three phases of design and that no one needs to spend a fortune in order to integrate making and writing. Both endeavors are more about the culture we create than the stuff we produce. These are the lessons that have stayed with me.
And all of this learning has led me somewhere unexpected and exciting.
I’ve begun helping different schools and communities plan, build, and launch their own writing studios. I’ve done this in public school libraries and makerspaces, and I’ve done it in classrooms and community centers. This summer, I’ll be leading week-long make writing studio sessions in interested school districts and community libraries.
Are you beginning to make writing in your own classroom, makerspace, or studio?
Would you like some support?
I’m available to consult, support your planning team, lend a hand with your build, or even teach week-long make writing sessions in your school or neighborhood.
The flier below provides more information.
Please contact me if you’d like to talk more.