


I’m an instructional designer and an independent education consultant, as most of you know. In that latter role, I am typically hired to facilitate opportunity chasing and problem solving. I usually work with K-16 writing teachers who tend to be a highly creative bunch, and it’s rare that I don’t find myself learning more than I teach inside of any situation that finds me in rooms with these people. I get to have a lot…

When my youngest was still in elementary school, she began the countdown to summer vacation with so much eager anticipation that one would have thought she hated school. She didn’t. She just loved summer, too. This was evidenced by the fact that each year, on the last day of school, she would step off of the school bus and promptly burst into tears, right in the middle of the street. “I’m going to miss my…

“I just ordered my first box of those weird under eye gel patch thingies that everyone from Rachel Hollis to Oprah to Brene Brown seems to be sporting on social lately,” I laughed, leaning away from the screen. “I mean, if Brene uses them, they have to be good, right?” “Do they sell them in extra-strength Covid-size?” my friend asked. “There is no eye gel patch thingy made for this moment,” I admitted. “But buying…

“I’m feeling better,” she said, and I had to agree. I’m feeling better, too. We’re adapting, as much as we’d rather not, and I don’t know about you, but I’m noticing that my days have a rhythm now. The weekends are distinctly different from the weekdays, and when I read, I’m able to concentrate again. I live in New York State, and our first days on PAUSE left me feeling simultaneously stunned, adrift, and eager to…

Last week, a teacher that I typically get to work with face to face reached out to me through email to let me know that I was still needed. “We’re about to begin an information writing unit,” she said. “I really need some help.” So, I helped. School isn’t closed, and I’m still here, everyone. I will help however I can. Please don’t hesitate to ask. Here’s Where, and Here’s How: 1. All of my…